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Tipo:  verdura
Ubicazione:  Turchia Sandıklı / Afyonkarahisar10010 km di distanza da voi
Data d'inserzione:  30 gen 2025
Agronetto ID:  VD35462
Tradurre in italiano
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a widely-cultivated creeping vine plant in the Cucurbitaceae family that bears usually cylindrical fruits, which are used as vegetables.
[1] Considered an annual plant,[2] there are three main varieties of cucumber — slicing, pickling, and burpless/seedless — within which several cultivars have been created. The cucumber originates from South Asia, but now grows on m...
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a widely-cultivated creeping vine plant in the Cucurbitaceae family that bears usually cylindrical fruits, which are used as vegetables.
[1] Considered an annual plant,[2] there are three main varieties of cucumber — slicing, pickling, and burpless/seedless — within which several cultivars have been created. The cucumber originates from South Asia, but now grows on most continents, as many different types of cucumber are traded on the global market. In North America, the term wild cucumber refers to plants in the genera Echinocystis and Marah, though the two are not closely related.
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Tradurre in italiano
Okurka (Cucumis sativus) je široce pěstovaná plazivá réva z čeledi Cucurbitaceae, která nese obvykle válcovité plody, které se používají jako zelenina.
[1] Považována za jednoletou rostlinu,[2] existují tři hlavní odrůdy okurek — krájení, moření a burpless/bezsemenné — ve kterých bylo vytvořeno několik kultivarů. Okurka pochází z jižní Asie, ale nyní roste na většině kontinentů, protože na světovém trhu se obchoduje s mnoha různými druhy okurek. V Severní Americe termín divoká okurka označuje rostliny rodů Echinocystis a Marah, i když tyto dva spolu úzce nesouvisí.
Tradurre in italiano
Uhorka (Cucumis sativus) je široko pestovaná plazivá viničová rastlina z čeľade tekvicovitých (Cucurbitaceae), ktorá rodí zvyčajne valcovité plody, ktoré sa používajú ako zelenina.
[1] Považuje sa za jednoročnú rastlinu[2], existujú tri hlavné odrody uhoriek – krájaná, nakladaná a bezsemenná – v rámci ktorých bolo vytvorených niekoľko kultivarov. Uhorka pochádza z južnej Ázie, ale v súčasnosti rastie na väčšine kontinentov, keďže na svetovom trhu sa obchoduje s mnohými rôznymi druhmi uhoriek. V Severnej Amerike sa výraz divoká uhorka vzťahuje na rastliny rodov Echinocystis a Marah, hoci tieto dva spolu úzko nesúvisia.
Tradurre in italiano
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a widely-cultivated creeping vine plant in the Cucurbitaceae family that bears usually cylindrical fruits, which are used as vegetables.
[1] Considered an annual plant,[2] there are three main varieties of cucumber — slicing, pickling, and burpless/seedless — within which several cultivars have been created. The cucumber originates from South Asia, but now grows on most continents, as many different types of cucumber are traded on the global market. In North America, the term wild cucumber refers to plants in the genera Echinocystis and Marah, though the two are not closely related.
Tradurre in italiano
Gurķis (Cucumis sativus) ir plaši kultivēts ložņu vīnogulājs Cucurbitaceae dzimtā, kas parasti nes cilindriskus augļus, kurus izmanto kā dārzeņus.
[1] Tiek uzskatīts par viengadīgu augu[2], un tajā ir trīs galvenās gurķu šķirnes — šķēlēs, kodinātais un bez burpām/bez sēklām — ir izveidotas vairākas šķirnes. Gurķu izcelsme ir Dienvidāzijā, bet tagad aug lielākajā daļā kontinentu, jo pasaules tirgū tiek tirgoti daudz dažādu veidu gurķi. Ziemeļamerikā termins savvaļas gurķis attiecas uz Echinocystis un Marah ģinšu augiem, lai gan tie abi nav cieši saistīti.
Tradurre in italiano
Краставицата (Cucumis sativus) е широко култивирана лозарска билка од фамилијата Cucurbitaceae која носи обично цилиндрични плодови, кои се користат како зеленчук.
[1] Се смета за едногодишно растение, [2] постојат три главни сорти на краставица - сечкана, кисела и без жлеб/без семка - во кои се создадени неколку сорти. Краставицата потекнува од Јужна Азија, но сега расте на повеќето континенти, бидејќи многу различни видови краставици се тргуваат на глобалниот пазар. Во Северна Америка, терминот дива краставица се однесува на растенија од родовите Echinocystis и Marah, иако двете не се тесно поврзани.
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